Connecting In

We know that connecting into a community can be a process and we want to make that as easy as possible.

Here are some practical ways to get connected, get involved, build relationships, and be a part of what God is doing through His church here.

Step 1: Let’s eat together

People who are new to our church community, or exploring the possibility of joining us, are invited to share in an afternoon tea which is once a term.

Contact us for the date of the next afternoon tea

Step 2: Join a Life Group

We believe that being part of a Life Group connects us into the church family, enabling us to be supported and loved by each other.

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Step 3: Do what you love

We believe that being family means we love and serve each other and those around us – whilst doing the things we love! Want to find a place where you can serve?

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Step 4: Decide to give

Jesus said that our heart would be wherever our treasure is. As you connect into community at Northridge we’d invite you to give regularly towards to the vision and mission of the church.

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