Online Healing Course


Healing with Alexander Venter

Anyone is welcome to join us for this free course on Healing, presented live online via zoom with Alexander Venter.

The course runs for 8 weeks online, commencing Tuesday 26th May at 8pm- 9pm AEST.

The course covers some great teaching that deals with areas such as Worldview, Healing and the Kingdom of God, Jesus’ Model of Healing and Authority.

It also looks at various areas of healing such as Healing of the Body, Spirit, Emotions, Deliverance, etc. Alexander will lead us in how to pray for healing and the course has a strong practical focus.

About Alexander

Alexander Venter has planted & pastored churches in Zimbabwe, Cape Town, Johannesburg and Soweto and was an Assembly of God pastor before migrating to the Vineyard movement to work with John Wimber in southern California in 1982, and was part of the first Vineyard church plant in Johannesburg. Over the years his teaching ministry has been a blessing to many across the globe. Alexander is married to Gill and they have two adult children, Zander and Misha-Joy. The Venters have lived in intentional Christian community for 23 years, and in 2013 relocated back to Johannesburg in response to a call for Alexander to pastor a Vineyard church called Following Jesus, in North Riding AH, Johannesburg. You can find out more about Alexander’s Teaching ministry at .

Presented by Vineyard College and Vineyard Churches Australia.

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