Soul Survivor 2022


We are going to Soul!

Each year we join Soul Survivor at their annual conference where we join with a bunch of youth groups from around NSW.
We gather together each morning and evening for worship, time in the bible and prayer ministry. Workshops will be available in the mornings and afternoons to equip our young people for life and action with Jesus. Projects are back in the afternoons for us to jump in and use our hands and feet for the gospel. Downtown, the cafe, games room, unwind venue, sport & other fun activities will be returning with fresh ideas.


When: Mon 18th – Thurs 21st April
Where: Youthworks Port Hacking Conference Centres
Accommodation: Generation V will be Camping (please select that option on registration)
Cost: $330.00 (Ends 4th April)
More Info:


We will be providing bus return transport from the church at an extra cost AND separate registration.
Rego Here:

Packing List
(will include camping items)

Soul E-Book

Register Now