Soul Survivor 2024


In the second week of the April school holidays we will be gathering on the Central Coast at Coast Community Church!

The theme for conference 2024 is “walking alongside”. we are looking forward to exploring the ways that God’s love is practical, compassionate, and engaged. We want to help youth feel empowered to carry the Good News of Jesus into their communities, being equipped to practically love and serve others in ways that models how God walks alongside us.

This Conference will give us an opportunity to practice ACTION together – having been instructed by the WORD and led by the SPIRIT, the third of Soul Survivor’s key values is to be encouraged by how God actively loves us, and to let that prompt us into walking alongside others.

We hope you’re ready for an epic program full of community, fun and Jesus. We will gather together each morning and evening for worship, time in the bible and prayer ministry. Workshops will be available in the mornings and afternoons to equip our young people for life and action with Jesus. Projects are back in the afternoons for us to jump in and use our hands and feet for the gospel. Downtown; the cafe, games room, chill out venue, sport & other fun activities will be returning with fresh ideas.

We will be camping this year and make sure you purchase a meal plan! Erin and Lauren won’t be cooking for you!

Make sure to invite your friends and get registered here!

We can’t wait to see you there!