If Northridge is home for you, then as part of your worship, we encourage you to give a portion of your income regularly to the church. There are many different ways to give. You can give cash via the offering boxes at church, or electronically via EFT or a Direct Debit payment. See below for details on how to give.
The Bible instructs all believers to give. The apostle Paul points out a number of good reasons for doing so in 2 Cor 9:6-15:
* Generous giving generates many resources (v6)
* We experience God's love and favour (v7)
* God's grace is multiplied in us (v8)
* It results in thanksgiving to God (v11)
* People's needs are met (v12)
* The gospel can be widely shared (v13)
* It creates gratitude (v14-15)
The Bible present in 1 Cor 16:1-2 at least five very helpful guidelines - we should give:
* Regularly: choose a set time interval for your giving e.g. weekly or monthly
* Individually: everyone is invited to participate
* Systematically: let your giving be thoughtfully and prayerfully planned
* Proportionately: the proportion is far more significant that the amount
* Locally: our primary commitment is to our own church and the ministry that happens through it.
If you would like to give directly, you can use the bank details below to set up a transfer.
Northridge Main Account
ACCT 159-793
BSB 032-089
NAME Northridge Main Account
Storehouse Fund Account (Tax Deductible)
ACCT 245-181
BSB 032-089
NAME Storehouse Fund Account
Please include your name in the transaction so we can send you a tax receipt.
It is possible to give to the church using a debit or credit card, but please be aware there is a fee to the church for this service. If you want 100% of your giving to go to the church, please set up a payment with your bank using EFT.
To make your offering online via card, begin by choosing your gift frequency (one-off, weekly, etc) below. If you choose a regular gift, you card will be charged now and then regularly at the interval you have selected.
If you have already setup a regular card payment (subscription), you can manage your payments using the Stripe-hosted Portal. Click on the link below to access the portal with the email address you used to setup your payments.