What should I expect at a Sunday gathering?

At our Sunday gatherings you’ll find yourself talking to people who are sceptical about Jesus, some who are interested but undecided, some who would call themselves followers of Jesus.

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life.” It’s an incredible claim and it’s one that Christians believe is true. Our souls are restless and hungry till they find rest in God. We come together to eat of that bread; to encounter Jesus. 

Practically, when we come together as a community on a Sunday you can expect a few things:

  • There will be singing. You don’t have to, but we love worshiping God with our hearts and voices.
  • There will be a talk. Think practical teaching and discussion on how to live life well.
  • There will be a kids program. We have trained and vetted volunteers who run a fun kids program during the main talk.
  • There will be food. Yes, good food is important to us. It doesn’t seem right to gather without it.
  • There will be the opportunity for you – should you wish – to encounter God.

A few other things it’s good to make clear:

  • You won’t be asked to give money.
  • You won’t be forced to believe what Christians believe.
  • You don’t need to wear any particular type of clothes.

When and where do you meet on Sundays?

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