
Guidelines for Events Leaders

June 20, 2019 Policies and procedures

We are so pleased you have agreed to volunteer (either in a leadership role or assisting leaders) at Events (defined below in clause 3). This ministry is a significant part of the life of Northridge. Thank you!

Northridge is committed to its Leaders introducing children to Jesus Christ in a safe, secure and loving environment as oaks of righteousness honouring His name. This Child Protection Policy reflects our desire and dedication to:

  • promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children during their participation in activities involving children organised by Northridge, including Kids Church, Youth, worship, special events and conferences;
  • assist employees, volunteers and others to recognise child abuse; and
  • report child abuse and other misconduct to the NSW Police or other authorities in accordance with our legal obligations, or where there are reasonable grounds for suspecting a child is at risk of significant harm.

You will need to complete online training related to this policy and provide a current Working With Children Check number before you can serve. For instructions on how to complete this process view the child protection information.

Guidelines for Events Leaders (877.1k)

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