
Guidelines for Youth Ministry Leaders

June 20, 2019 Policies and procedures

We are so pleased you have agreed to help lead on our Youth Ministry team! This ministry for young people in the age brackets covered by students attending School Years 6-12 inclusive is a significant part of the life of Northridge. Thank you!

Northridge is committed to its Leaders introducing children to Jesus Christ in a safe, secure and loving environment as oaks of righteousness honouring His name. This Child Protection Policy reflects our desire and dedication to:

  • promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children during their participation in activities involving children organised by Northridge, including Kids Church, Youth, worship, special events and conferences;
  • assist employees, volunteers and others to recognise child abuse; and
  • report child abuse and other misconduct to the NSW Police or other authorities in accordance with our legal obligations, or where there are reasonable grounds for suspecting a child is at risk of significant harm.

You will need to complete online training related to this policy and provide a current Working With Children Check number before you can serve. For instructions on how to complete this process view the child protection information.

Guidelines for Youth Ministry Leaders (905.8k)

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