Bec continued our Advent series focusing on Phil2:5-8. She focused on asking the question, What was ... Listen →
Kym kicked of our Advent series as over the next 3 weeks we prepare our hearts and minds for the cel... Listen →
Vision series
Rob and Bonnie wrapped up our recent Vision series... "the point of us gathering together was Chr... Listen →
Anna shared with us on Sunday on Reaching the World, continuing our Vision series. When you hear the... Listen →
Reaching the World
We had the blessing of both Rob and Bon sharing on Sunday on Reaching the World, continuing our Visi... Listen →
Reconciling relationships
Rob shared with us on Sunday on “Growing in the Healthy way”, as part 2 of Reconciling Relations... Listen →
Life with Jesus
Ellie shared her story with Jesus so far and what this journey has taught her.... Listen →
Guest speaker
Matt Gelding is such a blessing to us, coming to share with us. ** Due to some technical issues, we... Listen →
Reconciling relationships
Bonnie shared with us on “Authentic, Healthy Relationships” as part 1 of Reconciling Relationshi... Listen →
Restoring Identity
Adam shared with us on “Fulfilling destiny, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as part 3 of Restoring I... Listen →