
Reconciling relationships

Authentic Healthy Relationships

November 8, 2024 Bonnie Giles Evening

Bonnie shared with us on “Authentic, Healthy Relationships” as part 1 of Reconciling Relationships in our Vision Series. We want to be a church family that has a culture of authentic relationships, where we love each other and seek to be reconciled in a healthy way. As a church, we are seeking to increase our reach and impact healthily, developing deep relationships with each other and with other churches. God calls us to authentic, healthy relationships. What do healthy relationships look like? Does it mean we never disagree or that we just swallow up hurt and don’t deal with it? No, God calls us to be people who in humility and kindness, seek to be restored and reconciled with those that hurt us and are different to us. The best place to learn this is in our church family where we practise being peacemakers together and then taking that into our community.