Join us this Christmas - 24th December 5-6pm Nativity Service & 25th Dec 10-11am Christmas Service



Culture of Invitation

Culture of Invitation—why not?

March 10, 2019 Kym Sherlock Morning

Kym continues our series by exploring reasons why we don't invite people to Jesus and how we overcom... Listen →


Exodus—The cost of deliverance

March 10, 2019 Matt McKenzie Evening

This week, Matt tackles a passage where we see God exact justice through the plague of the firstborn... Listen →


Exodus—Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better

March 3, 2019 Andrew Harvey Evening

Usually when we say ‘yes’ to God, we expect that things will all go in our favour. Sometimes, ye... Listen →

Culture of Invitation

Culture of Invitation – the wedding banquet

March 3, 2019 John Lamerton Morning

John introduces our series on building a culture of invitation - exploring the invitation to the wed... Listen →


Exodus—When God calls, you say YES

February 24, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

Chris continues our series on Exodus, focusing on Moses' encounter with God and the call that God ha... Listen →


Exodus—God has a plan and it’s better than yours

February 17, 2019 Bonnie Giles Evening

Bonnie continues our Exodus series, looking at Moses and how God's plan for him was not what he had ... Listen →


Exodus—Hope in a hopeless situation

February 10, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

Chris kicks off a new, epic series journeying through Exodus. We start by looking at Moses' origin, ... Listen →

Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday

February 3, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

Chris takes us through the Evening Community vision for 2019, and beyond.... Listen →

Culture of Invitation

The Invitation

January 27, 2019 Rob Giles Morning

Rob reflects on the story of Zacchaeus and the importance of the invitation to Jesus.... Listen →

Finding Your Rhythms

Finding Your Rhythms—Self-reflection

January 27, 2019 Kath Henry Evening

Self-reflection is not something that comes naturally to many people, especially in a day and age wh... Listen →

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