Gospel of John
This week, we begin a new series digging into the gospel of John, and in particular, focusing on the... Listen →
Living in the Last Days
Rob looks at 1 Peter 3-4 and how we respond to hardships and persecution from the world.... Listen →
Culture of Peace
In our final Culture of Peace message, Chris takes a church sign to task and gets practical. How can... Listen →
Culture of Peace
Jesus encouraged us to take the log out of our own eye before pointing out the speck in others'. Thi... Listen →
Living in the Last Days
Chris begins our series on the book of 1 Peter with a look at how Peter writes. We look at how the n... Listen →
The Wildness of the Spirit
Kath finishes our series on the Wildness of the Spirit, by helping us understand how all believers c... Listen →
Culture of Peace
Jesus said that the world will know his disciples by the way we love one another. Yet, if we're hone... Listen →
The Wildness of the Spirit
Rob and Bonnie look at the central role of personal prayer and ministering to others in prayer, as w... Listen →
Life on a Mission
In our final edition of the 'Life on a Mission' interviews, Mandy Anderson interviews two students. ... Listen →
The Wildness of the Spirit
Cath explores the Spirit's work of bringing freedom from impure spirits.... Listen →