Series: Exodus



Exodus—You have now arrived at your destination

April 14, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

In his talk, Chris talks about Moses' final moments on earth where he gets to see the promised land ... Listen →


Exodus—You can’t be all things to all people

April 7, 2019 Ty Soupidis Evening

This week, Ty focuses on the passage where Moses' father in law helps Moses realise the importance o... Listen →


Exodus—You can’t hack it alone

March 31, 2019 Lucy Weil Evening

Continuing on our Exodus series, we read a curious story - the Israelites go to war with the Amaleki... Listen →


Exodus—You can’t survive on yesterday’s mana

March 24, 2019 Jen Gresham-Britt Evening

This week, we hear the story about how God provides for the material needs of the Israelites. Jen ta... Listen →


Exodus—The God of the impossible

March 17, 2019 Phil Henry Evening

As people, we look for the easiest and most obvious solution to where we are headed and we take that... Listen →


Exodus—The cost of deliverance

March 10, 2019 Matt McKenzie Evening

This week, Matt tackles a passage where we see God exact justice through the plague of the firstborn... Listen →


Exodus—Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better

March 3, 2019 Andrew Harvey Evening

Usually when we say ‘yes’ to God, we expect that things will all go in our favour. Sometimes, ye... Listen →


Exodus—When God calls, you say YES

February 24, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

Chris continues our series on Exodus, focusing on Moses' encounter with God and the call that God ha... Listen →


Exodus—God has a plan and it’s better than yours

February 17, 2019 Bonnie Giles Evening

Bonnie continues our Exodus series, looking at Moses and how God's plan for him was not what he had ... Listen →


Exodus—Hope in a hopeless situation

February 10, 2019 Chris Gresham-Britt Evening

Chris kicks off a new, epic series journeying through Exodus. We start by looking at Moses' origin, ... Listen →